But why would anyone want to redo this gorgeous bathroom?
And no laundry room is complete without rust stains on the floor.
Mom starts to tear down wallpaper. Fun job.
Dad tears out the extremely gross sink that hasn't run well in years. Or ever?
Bathroom is re-sheetrocked with waterproof stuff and re-plumbed so the shower will go where the sink used to be and the sink will go where the weird tiny tub used to be. Toilet stays as is.
Wallpaper and floor have all been removed. Junk has not, but I'm still expected to do my laundry somehow...
Dad emerges from the even junkier basement with painting tools. Think we should renovate the basement next!??!
Dad and I prime the laundry room. Baby makes a small appearance.
Mike and Mom prime the bathroom.
Whoa. Why does this subdued dark blue we picked out look more like an eccentric little boy's room? We realized after it had all dried (hoped it would dry darker..nope) that the paint chip didn't even match the hue of the paint on the wall at all.
Got a new can of paint and made them re-mix until it matched better. Still not perfect, but definitely better than that crazy bright blue. Oops, we forgot to paint the bottom?
Wainscoting going up. It's all up now except corner pieces and the "shoe."
Bathroom is a khaki color, but I don't have a good picture of it yet. The floor tile is almost done - it's done in the laundry room. Renovation blunder #1233292.5: we bought all floor tile when we started the project several years ago so all tile would match throughout the house. Apparently we under-estimated by 2 whole boxes (40 tiles) how much we would need, so we ran out. Of course, the brand of tile we used is phasing out and no longer produces this exact tile. We now have about 25 tiles left in the bathroom that either won't match completely or...who knows.....we haven't gotten that far yet.....
Renovation blunder #1233293: Dad power nails the trim up around the "pocket door" from the living room to the laundry room. He accidentally nails the door open so it can no longer slide.....he does this twice.
And no renovation is complete without your toilet sitting on the porch for months.
Nice flash reflection in the bathroom mirror.
Looking good! It's nice to see some updates on how the house is looking.
Wow, that photo really shows how very bright neon that blue was...the new is much much better!! And did you HAVE to include my silly look?? Oh well, by now I looked about like we all feel about this project...like will this ever ever be done!
Thanks, Collin. I thought it was some great photography. Maybe even fair-worthy.
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