Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The task at hand..

We have decided to live at the Double Diamond Ranch for a few years to keep the land/home in the family. In order to do this, renovations are needed. Many of them. The preliminary stages are underway...M&D have been throwing away old junk, rolling their eyes at some (like the WWJD stamp with the JD shaved off so that Gramps could have a WW stamp - his initials..), and getting everything else ready for auction.

It's quite a daunting project, but we're really quite excited to get our hands dirty and see the finished product.

So far....we've bought a rug. Step one is complete. Next step: Everything else. :)

Rug (to go in living room....picture it MUCH bigger. When we unrolled it I said "WOW Those leaves are huge!" I was used to seeing tiny leaves on my computer screen...)

We've picked out some paint chips that match the blues and red in the rug so we can use those colors as the basis for curtains and throw pillows. We thought the rug was especially nice because it blends contemporary modern style with the nature-cabinesque feel. It reminded me of something Granny may have liked when I saw it, so that was definitely a factor in our purchase!


David said...

I'm glad you are still excited about the possibilities, in spite of the huge amount of work that it will take!

David said...

Here are some more eye rollers! In the carbon paper stack I found the insides of letters, you know the kinds that come from the government with the carbon inside! We also found about 20 brand new unused notebooks and many many very old and falling apart notebooks and about 10 clip boards. So, what do we do with the "dress form"???

Kelsey said...

Hehehe. Collin asked where the dress form was in the pictures....

I'd love to have a dress form, even though It's scary....but it wouldn't be exactly my size/shape! Now they have adjustable ones that you can turn knobs on and make exactly right for your size even if your size changes or you're sewing for someone else..